Cash-back credit cards have hidden benefits beyond rewards, such as purchase protection and extended warranties.

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High Cash-Back rates often come with restrictions and limitations, so read the fine print carefully.

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Credit card companies profit from interchange fees and interest charges, so it's important to use credit responsibly.

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Late payments may incur penalties and increased interest rates, which over time may prove to be expensive.

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Using cash-back rewards to pay off balances can save money and help reduce debt.

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Credit scores and credit utilization ratios impact interest rates, so maintaining good credit is key.

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Cash-back credit cards may have spending caps and category restrictions, so choose one that aligns with your spending habits.

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Balance transfers can be a useful tool for reducing debt, but watch out for balance transfer fees.

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Annual fees may be worth it if the rewards rates and benefits outweigh the cost.

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Compare different credit card options to find one that meets your financial goals and needs.

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